The tarpon saga continues…

Capt. Trent has been putting it on ’em lately!  More great tarpon action on a recent evening trip.  Live mullet were getting popped frequently which is always part of the fun…  You get to witness a 1lb mullet swimming for his life as a 100 lb fish decide the best way to go about devouring him.  They often jump away trying to survive, or get thrown in the air as the tarpon makes his move.  It’s just good old fashion fun to witness.  Unfortunately sometimes it is harder to get an actual hook in the tarpon as the baits jump around so much sometimes things get twisted around funny, but when we want to hook one often we slide a dead bait out there which has a much better hookup ratio.  These lucky anglers got their hands on a beautiful silver king on an evening tarpon fishing trip in islamorada a couple nights ago.  April and May are the prime tarpon months so take advantage while you can… June and July can still be really good too of course.  And the night trip option is a good one as the fishing often gets better as you get closer to sunset which is considered ‘prime time’ when tarpon naturally feed as it gets dark.